
Navigating the complexities of cross-border regulations.

Helping you cross borders

Business and personal matters that have an international stake are always more complex, so it helps to have expertise at hand if you need it. Whether you are considering an international expansion or have interests in other countries, CK can guide you through managing your business across different jurisdictions.

CK is a West Midlands firm, yet we have the global connections that enable us to advise you on international accounting matters. We are a proud and active member of PrimeGlobal, one of the top five associations of independent accounting and advisory firms in the world. Members of our team regularly attend a variety of events where we can share technical knowledge and best practice with other members, both in the UK and across the world.

Your point of contact for international expertise

In today’s increasingly international market, the need for reliable advice in overseas jurisdictions has never been greater. Through CK, you can be confident that the recommendations you receive are trusted. We have built strong connections with many of PrimeGlobal’s 300 members. These close ties enable us to call on the international expertise and best possible advice.